
Mobility Rising: Mobility Proud! Explaining Mobility In A New Way 03.12.2020 | Jaime Calero

Each month, in our Mobility Rising series, we are showcasing our future talent leaders across the globe, as they share their passion for mobility, how they thrive in their careers, and how they drive our industry forward!

If you work in mobility, you understand only too well the blank stares and confused looks I get, when people ask, “So, what do you do?” and I respond, “I work in relocation/mobility.”  The odd person may ask a follow up question or two, but most people typically smile, nod their head, and change the subject quickly.

Which is very unfortunate since our industry is quite amazing.

That’s why I’ve decided to try a new response to the question, “So, what do you do?” that I would like to share with you now.

(Since this works best if I show you, just imagine yourself asking me.)

“So, what do you do?”

Well, my good sir or ma’am, I hope you are ready to learn something new. Please buckle up and brace yourself to take a behind the scenes look at the relocation industry.

Yes, that is right, I work in the relocation industry. But what does that mean? Take a guess!

Ah…you are close, I am not a hiring manager, but relocation is an integral piece of the Human Resources industry.

Perhaps the greatest piece of the HR area (in my humble opinion).

We keep businesses, moving, growing, winning and thriving.

How, you ask?

We partner with many multi-national corporations who recognize the importance of sending their most talented employees around the globe. These employees acquire new skills, become the leaders of tomorrow, and give their organizations a leg up on the competition.

Companies come to us because we are the experts in ensuring a smooth transition for their employees. We take care of the household goods, immigration, home finding, settling-in services, cross cultural training, policy counseling, tax support… the works, baby, the works! Anything you can think of, we do it!

For example, my specialty is Household Goods. I am a Move Coordinator. Our team ensures all our customers’ household goods are treated with the utmost care. White gloves. Extra, extra bubble wrap. We achieve winning outcomes by being on the ball and working closely with our trusted network of van line partners. I started working in household goods last year and haven’t looked back.

Back where you say?  Funny you ask. Before moving to manage Household Goods in our New Jersey office, I was a Senior Relocation Counselor at our Latin America Ops Center in Miami. Miami to New Jersey…yes, yes, I know. Winters and all that – but despite that, I’m pretty happy! In my previous role, I was the main point of contact for individual employees, managing all the various pieces of the relocation process. Now I focus solely on the moving piece for all our clients. Now Legendary, speedy and thoughtful service is spread to all corners of the world for our clients… by me of course!

(Yes, I agree, it is very cool working for a company that provides career enhancing opportunities like that, but we digress.)

My experience as a relocation counselor has really come in handy in the household goods realm. But even more valuable was my own personal relocation experience to New Jersey, which gave me some great insights on how stressful the relocation process can be – this allows me to serve my customers better and have even greater empathy for what they go through.

It isn’t a joke ladies and gentlemen – it is VERY stressful. Oh, you know! You’ve moved before too? Now imagine that but going across the world where you don’t speak the language. Crazy, right?

That’s the reason we exist as an organization, to make the lives of these employees easier and stress free – to give them, and their families, the opportunity to really thrive in their new location. The complexity of the relocation process is too much for most companies to manage in house. As someone who recently relocated and knows all the moving parts going on behind the scenes, I can see why our phenomenal industry exists.

Not to brag or anything but yes, it IS important, and amazing all in one.

So, what do you do for work?

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Written by Jaime Calero

Jaime serves as an International Move Coordinator in our New Jersey Headquarters. He brings a strong cultural background from living in Argentina and Colombia and traveling extensively in the Dominican Republic and Brazil.

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