
Mobility Rising: Changing the Way You Look at Our Industry 11.22.2019 | Shane Lewis

Each month, in our Mobility Rising series, we are showcasing our future talent leaders across the globe, as they share their passion for mobility, how they thrive in their careers, and how they drive our industry forward!

Can you share a time when you learned something in mobility that really changed the way you looked at the industry/our world, or opened your mind?

Recently, I had the opportunity to go on a short-term assignment for six months and work in-house for a new client while they transitioned their program to Weichert.

While the client was excited to begin their partnership with Weichert, integration can be a complicated period. Due to the timing of my assignment, I had the opportunity to closely support the client’s mobility team while they navigated through implementation.

This gave me great insight from the client’s perspective into some of their challenges, the internal pressures they face, and the demands and expectations they experience; ultimately this helped me to better understand what they need from me and our team, providing clarity into their future requests.

This also gave me first-hand insight into how change and new processes impact those on the client’s mobility team. This experience has helped me better service my client, as I was able to identify their priorities and key concerns, giving myself and the other Weichert Relocation Consultants on the account the opportunity to exceed expectations and proactively address any potential issues.

My previous in-house experience prepared me well to fulfill the supporting role for my time in-house with this client, however seeing the preparation, hearing their questions, and serving as a main point of contact for their concerns was a huge eye opener in my understanding of what it means to a client when changing providers.

There has been great open communication between us and our client, the foundation for a strong and long-lasting trusted partnership. Being able to build good working relationships before we even managed a file for the client, I feel has been very beneficial.

While I personally experienced the typical challenges associated with getting used to a new working and living environment as well as shift in role, I think it was an incredible experience. The opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge of our industry, makes it easy to recommend the experience to others and encourage them to raise their hand, if opportunities like this arise.

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Written by Shane Lewis

Shane is one of our Workforce Mobility Counselor’s in our London office, bringing over six years of experience in the relocation industry. Shane is an excellent resource and mentor for his clientele and brings first-hand experience serving on a short-term assignment to assist a new client. He has earned his Global Mobility Specialist (GMS) designation from Worldwide ERC.

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