Where Experience Meets Innovation

It’s time to take a new workforce mobility strategy for a spin.

Weichert’s Advisory Studio® is a facilitator-led, interactive workshop based on design thinking principles and leveraging the best consulting minds in the relocation industry.

Weichert’s Consultant — your Studio Director — puts you, your mobility team and other key stakeholders at the center of the process, creating a path toward the desired outcome for your talent mobility program. Whether you’re looking to problem solve, measure and prove value, or forge a completely new direction, we work with you to clarify your goal and translate it into an actionable plan that reflects your people and your culture.

No matter how complex your challenges, we have the experience and the tools — including our proprietary AI-powered policy benchmarking database — to generate ideas, advance your organizational initiatives, and achieve sustainable results. Once you’ve completed your Studio experience, you’ll have everything you need to attract, develop, retain and deploy talent in today’s dynamic and competitive business environment.

Let's Collaborate!

As the name implies, the Weichert Studio is where inspiration abounds and amazing things are created. It's where ideas and visions are brought to the table and a clear path to the desired future state is forged. It's where Advisory experts with decades of experience draw from a wealth of proprietary tools and research to empower your team and stakeholders to re-think, re-mix and re-energize your talent mobility program. In the Studio, we turn relocation into an art form.
Jennifer Connell Vice President of Advisory Services

Using the Studio®, clients can reduce program design and development time up to 60% (based on the historical average of previous equivalent projects managed by Weichert Advisory Services.)

Choose Your Studio Experience

Program Harmonization

Seeing the bigger picture can be a difficult exercise for the professionals managing the program. In this Studio, our Director takes an objective approach to mobility program harmonization to align and integrate different mobility policies and practices across the organization. We help you to achieve consistency, efficiency, and compliance in managing global mobility.

Employee Experience

We'll help you educate your stakeholders on best practices and the targeted techniques and communication methods proven to improve employee engagement and position the relocation or assignment as an exciting opportunity with the company. You'll also learn to better measure and monitor the impact of Employee Experience on your key business outcomes.

Mergers & Acquisition

As companies consolidate, they require agile partners who understand the compliance issues and the delicate nature of the employees that must be retained and relocated to sustain the future organization. Our Director will objectively audit the company benefits and facilitate discussions, referencing our proprietary toolkit built specifically for M&As.

Flexibility & Choice

Explore Core/Flex, Points, and Capped Programs. For over a decade we've been helping clients build flexible programs, supporting our learnings with survey research and data. Powered by our GoFlex technology, we guide you through designing a streamlined, flexible program tailored to your business and employee needs.

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging

Led by our Director and subject matter expert, this Studio shares insight into how other companies are infusing elements of DIB practices into their mobility programs and policies. You'll explore the latest techniques to align your program with your company values in actionable ways.

Talent Strategy Alignment

Identify, develop, and retain the best talent for your organization by leveraging mobility to achieve your business goals. In this Studio, we design a framework with input from your key stakeholders that reflects the value to your employees and the value to the business, with your vision and culture top of mind.

Environmental Impact

By its very nature, global mobility has one of the highest per-capita carbon footprints for any HR function. This Studio connects your stakeholders and Weichert’s experts to design green mobility practices that align with your company's beliefs, reinforcing your company’s reputation as an Employer of Choice.

Global Service Delivery Models

Global service delivery models can vary in terms of the degree of centralization, standardization, and outsourcing. However, the benefits of global models are undeniable: They drive cost efficiencies, enable regions to share talent, encourage employees to explore long term career opportunities within the company, and support a culture of mobility.

"Build Your Own" Studio

If you can dream it, we can build it: a Studio experience to meet your company's unique goals, vision and budget.

Get Inside the Weichert Studio

Solving a Client's Identity Crisis

Guiding Policy Development

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