
Ultimate Clarity & Control Over Your Core/Flex Program 03.6.2024 | Shawn Sweeney

In this new era of work, the lines between our personal and professional lives are more blurred than ever, and we’re all striving for a little more balance to prevent either of these realms from overwhelming its counterpart. Accordingly, more companies are attuned to the reality that employees are more productive and loyal to employers who listen and react to their personal needs and goals. It all boils down to this: fulfilled people drive organizational success.

Core/Flex Programs in a Nutshell

When it comes to curating a mobility program that effectively balances the needs of the business with the needs of its talent, the Core/Flex model takes the cake, striking a harmonious chord between cost (and administrative) control and customization:

  • By providing a core set of services alongside flexible components, these programs allow for self-customization of the relocation experience. Whether it’s a new hire, a C-suite executive, a single parent, or a couple with elderly parents, everyone can receive tailored support.
  • By defining parameters and guidelines for both core and flex services, organizations ensure that offerings align with their budget.
Tech-Powered Core/Flex

Flexible mobility models have undoubtedly surged in demand in response to the modern employee/employer dynamic. Still, we witnessed much hesitation on behalf of companies who were daunted by the prospect of infusing “choice” within their programs, especially with little definitive research in the mobility space around how these programs worked, why they were adopted, and what lessons “early adopters” could share with the next generation.

Our 2022 study, A Pathway to More Flexibility in Relocation Policies, uncovered some of the untold stories, trends and key challenges around today’s choice and core/flex mobility programs, and this insight helped guide the development of GoFlex: a purpose-built tool within our award-winning Weichert Go platform designed to manage core/flex employee populations. GoFlex supports a wide array of flexible workforce mobility programs including lump sums, core/flex, cafeteria, menu driven, business and/or employee choice (based on monetary or point values) while delivering relocation technology that is as easy and intuitive as other social apps that employees already enjoy. Our vision behind GoFlex: to empower choice with a self-service tool to ensure we deliver “mobility their way”. Through the mobile app, employees can initiate services, select suppliers, schedule appointments, electronically sign documents, and much, much more – with their Counselor always within arm’s reach to help along the way.

The tool has revolutionized the relocation experience for our client’s mobile populations, but we also wanted to zero-in on the experience of the mobility manager, allowing them to capture micro and macro program trends. After all, data is king, and without access to certain program analytics, users can’t confidently communicate the value and ROI of these flexible models to key stakeholders. Until now…

The Big Reveal: The GoFlex Dashboard

We are thrilled to share that GoFlex now includes an interactive dashboard that delivers unprecedented visibility into our client’s core/flex programs, with access to critical analytics to track and forecast like never before.

From the big picture right down to the employee-level details, GoFlex now captures the full story of your flexible program, so you can confidently measure and demonstrate its value and efficacy. Here’s a snapshot of what this dashboard delivers:

  • A full view of your core-flex program, with the ability to organize data based on each policy or benefit.
  • Insight into the total points spent within a given timeframe across different policies, benefits, or options selected and purchased.
  • Sort and reveal the most requested flex benefits by policy, region, or employee level.
  • Drill down to the employee level, capturing their points transaction history and which options they’ve selected for each flex benefit.
  • Export any table within the dashboard to Excel to facilitate easy sharing with key stakeholders.

With critical intel into your core-flex program at your fingertips, our clients are empowered to make informed decisions, pinpoint efficiencies, and confidently plan for the future.

After witnessing how GoFlex has elevated the experience for mobile talent, we’re excited to be able to upgrade the experience for those who manage them! Our industry has for long been stunted when it comes to technology offerings, and platforms like Weichert Go have changed the game, empowering clients and their relocating employees with modern tools to make workforce mobility feel infinitely more seamless, and equipping them with the data they need to make key decisions. With each new innovation to our platform, we're pushing the limits further, inspiring our clients to take risks and try new things to better support their talent – like flexible mobility programs!
Stewart McCardle Senior Vice President, Technology

You could say that we’re *stretching* the boundaries of mobility to deliver the most intuitive and flexible relocation management models ever. Because we’ve discovered that when you embrace flexibility, nothing – whether cost control, a superior employee experience, or a future-focused talent strategy — is out of reach!

Eager to take this new feature for a spin? Sign up for a test drive here or reach out to us to learn more.

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Written by Shawn Sweeney

As Vice President of Technology Solutions, Shawn plays a key role in strengthening Weichert’s technology value proposition and accelerating new product/platform development. Serving as a liaison between clients and Weichert’s IT group, he helps to refine and advance the user experience, providing clients with the insight they need to get the most out of Weichert’s continuously evolving technology tools, and ensuring that these tools continue to reflect the voice of the customer.

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