
One App to Manage Tax, Visa/Immigration and Duty of Care 01.26.2017 | Tim McCarney

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Among the greatest challenges facing managers of mobile employees and business travelers, three stand tall: remaining compliant with ever-changing visa/immigration laws, accurately tracking days in specific locations for tax purposes, and the ability to contact expatriate employees in the event of emergency. We are proud to announce the first app to simplify and streamline all three, the Weichert Global Organizer.

This app improves visa/tax compliance by tracking time in each location, alerting the employee and HR of pending tax or immigration events—such as visa renewal or days in a certain jurisdiction triggering tax liability. These features allow HR managers to be proactive, rather than reactive, to any concerns. Further, at tax time, all of the critical data that the employee and company need for filing and reporting is easily accessible in one place.

Additionally, in the event of an emergency, the app empowers HR managers to instantly locate their employees at any point on the globe, alert them to danger and, if necessary, evacuate them to a place of safety.

The Weichert Global Organizer represents a quantum improvement in managing these processes for today’s companies, many of which rely on a corporate travel agent or a tax provider for this information. But these solutions have limitations; travel agency data merely suggests that someone bought a ticket, not that they actually traveled, nor does it indicate a traveler’s precise location. This would not meet the IRS’s requirement that companies have an adequate process to track their employees. Likewise, Big Four firms usually bundle their trackers with larger advisory services and they do not include integrated immigration or duty of care.

Simply put, today’s companies need a better way to keep track of their entire globally mobile population, where they are going and what they are doing. That’s why we developed the Weichert Global Organizer. In detail, here’s what it tracks:

  • global taxation: through direct link to their phones’ GPS system, the app tracks the time employees spend in country and monitors it against local, federal and state compliance requirements, and provides alerts to potential compliance issues.
  • visa/immigration: the app monitors employees’ time in country against visa and immigration requirements, providing renewal reminders and live alerts of potential infringements.
  • emergency communication: when emergencies unfold, the app instantly pinpoints your global assignees and travelers and allows you to transmit instant safety alerts.

You can read the complete press release here. If you have any questions about the Global Organizer or would like a demonstration, contact us.

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Written by Tim McCarney

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Tim is Weichert’s Vice President of Marketing, responsible for keeping our brand strong and crafting our brand’s story. Outside of the office, he can often be found worrying about the Boston Red Sox.

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