
Talent Mobility News, Trends and Research from Weichert

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Overcoming a Reluctance to Relocate 06.28.2023 | Laura Levenson

A recent roundtable exposed some of the top reasons behind a growing reluctance to relocate; Laura Levenson shares the feedback from participants and how companies can appeal to mobility-weary talent.

Top Things to Know About Canada’s Foreign Buyers Ban 02.21.2023 | Ruhi Van Andel

Canada's new legislation has mobility professionals squirming – specifically, The Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act. Here's what you need to know about the impact of this ban.

global relocation

Joining Forces to Modernize Workforce Mobility 05.5.2021 | Ellie Sullivan

The WECAN Conference was a landmark event, bringing Worldwide ERC, EuRA and CERC together to identify ways to overcome COVID challenges, modernize mobility for a post-pandemic world and eliminate the barriers to global talent deployment.

Speakers Lounge @ EuRA Podcast 04.8.2020 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

Our Global Practice Leader and Director, Global Supply Chain chat with EuRA’s COO about the impact they are seeing with COVID-19 on the operations and supply chain.

Working Remotely? Eight Ways to Adjust to Your New Workspace 03.20.2020 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

One of the most immediate and apparent impacts of the Coronavirus has been to the way we work. Companies worldwide that have the ability to do so have enacted alternative work policies to encourage social distancing, stop the spread of the virus and keep their talent safe.

Speakers Lounge @ CERC’s Capital Region Event 03.10.2020 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

Jennifer Connell, VP Advisory Services, presented about the trends surrounding International Extended Business Travel (EBT), how companies administer these assignments, and challenges from her recent research project on EBTs.

Weichert Ontario Tax Changes

Ontario Tax Changes and How Mobility Will be Impacted 05.1.2017 | Tim McCarney

On April 20, 2017, the Province of Ontario enacted a 15 per cent non-resident speculation tax (NRST) on the purchase or acquisition of properties in Metropolitan Toronto and its surrounding areas.

Weichert Millenials to Canada

Moving Millennials in Canada: Separating Myth from Reality 12.12.2015 | Jennifer Connell

I was proud to have the opportunity to serve as a featured panelist at the 2015 CERC Conference along with my colleague (and millennial) Katherine Bouchard, speaking on millennials and, specifically, how they are impacting the mobile workforce.


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