Press Release

Weichert Workforce Mobility Wins Multiple Honors at Asia Pacific FEM EMMA Awards 09.9.2022

SINGAPORE, September 9, 2022 – Weichert Workforce Mobility, the undisputed industry leader in relocating employee satisfaction, earned two major industry awards last night at the Forum for Expatriate Management’s (FEM) Asia Pacific EMMA Awards, which recognize the top companies, technologies and products in global mobility and international HR. The winners were announced at a gala ceremony during FEM’s APAC Summit in Singapore.

Weichert Workforce Mobility was named Relocation Management Company of the Year, the highest honor among companies within its industry. Weichert also won the award for Best Partnership Between a Corporate Organization and Service Provider on a shared entry with its client, Micron Technology.

Attracting entrants from across the globe, this year’s APAC EMMA nominations were rigorously evaluated by an independent judging panel of senior HR and mobility professionals drawn from a range of disciplines across the Asia Pacific region, from such companies as Unilever, P&G, Visa, Hewlett-Packard, BlackRock, Johnson & Johnson and Bayer.

In awarding RMC of the Year, judges cited Weichert’s superiority in both the customer service and technology arenas, while pointing to initiatives such as Weichert’s work with Talent Beyond Boundaries and Move for Hunger as examples of the Company’s solid global citizenship. For the Best Partnership award, judges were soundly impressed with the synergy between Weichert and Micron, and the strides Micron has made in its talent management strategy as a result.

“As the shifting business landscape and provider consolidations in the relocation industry present greater challenges, we’re proud to see the skill, commitment and resourcefulness of our Asia Pacific team resonate stronger than ever with corporate mobility managers in the APAC region,” said Dave Bencivengo, President of Weichert Workforce Mobility. “It’s an honor to receive such spectacular recognition, and we are equally honored to see our partnership with Micron Technology cited as an example of true excellence in provider/partner synergy.”

“The FEM EMMAs remain the gold standard awards for global mobility and international HR, the only truly global, yet region-specific awards with the greatest breadth of categories for both corporate professionals and service providers,” said Claire Tennant-Scull, Global Director of Content and Events at FEM. “This year saw one of our largest pool of entries from across the APAC region, with a huge increase in submissions from individuals and companies who have never taken part in the EMMAs before. Amongst this fiercer competition, Weichert should feel extremely proud for being named Relocation Management Company of the Year.”

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