Case Study

Overcoming Remote Housing Challenges

The nature of the mining industry means that companies often face challenges securing housing within the communities where operations are based, frequently located in distant and isolated regions.

Other issues, such as limited access to utilities, healthcare, education, and recreational facilities, can arise, compounding the challenge of maintaining the well-being and productivity of workers.

For our client, one of Canada’s leading mining companies, these challenges were a serious concern as the supply of temporary and long-term accommodations and permanent housing within many small Canadian towns was becoming increasingly scarcer. They trusted Weichert to help them develop and navigate a potential workaround that would ensure a sufficient supply of adequate, cost-effective accommodations for their workers.

We knew that any viable solution demanded a collaborative approach with the local community and suppliers, which we addressed through five targeted areas:

  1. Expansion of Destination Services Capacity: Weichert significantly enhanced its Destination Services team by increasing the number of local consultants. In several remote locations, we transitioned from having just one consultant to a team of five or more. This expansion allowed us to provide more personalized and efficient assistance to employees during their relocation process.
  2. Collaboration with Local Partners: We engaged in robust outreach efforts, actively collaborating with local realtors, hotels, and businesses. By establishing strong relationships within each community, we gained access to a wealth of information about available housing options. This proactive approach ensured that we could swiftly identify short-term and long-term rental properties and seamlessly accommodate incoming employees within the shortest timeframe possible.
  3. Strategic Rental Sourcing: Weichert diligently  sourced multiple rental options on behalf of our client. In select cases, we negotiated tenancy management service agreements, allowing us to oversee the rotation of employees in and out of rental units. Our ongoing Property Management support ensured a seamless experience for both employees and the client.
  4. Early Access to Rental Alerts: Leveraging our extensive local network, we built strong regional partnerships, allowing us to receive prioritized rental alerts on upcoming properties even before they hit the open rental market. This competitive advantage enabled us to secure housing solutions promptly, minimizing disruptions for relocating employees.
  5. Managing Company-Owned Properties: Recognizing the unique needs of our client, we agreed to manage tenancy arrangements for company-owned properties in each community. Our tailored approach ensures efficient property utilization and optimal employee satisfaction.

Through these strategic initiatives, Weichert has effectively transformed the employee relocation experience within these remote Canadian towns and given our client peace of mind that their mobile talent can transition quickly and seamlessly, accessing accommodation that meets their host housing requirements.

Housing is one of the key determinants of employee success, so naturally, this initiative has helped drive higher satisfaction scores for the client’s mobility program, which bodes well for cultivating an engaged and loyal workforce.

The bottom line: Happy employees are productive employees, and that’s a win-win for every stakeholder.

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