
Talent Mobility News, Trends and Research from Weichert

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Top Things to Know About Canada’s Foreign Buyers Ban 02.21.2023 | Ruhi Van Andel

Canada's new legislation has mobility professionals squirming – specifically, The Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act. Here's what you need to know about the impact of this ban.

Weichert Webinar: Mortgage and Mobility Best Practices 11.2.2022 | Tim McCarney

To keep your mobile talent agile and ready to unleash as opportunity arises, you need to be armed with the right mix of flexible mortgage solutions and policy components built for today's market!

Home Purchase, Mortgage Programs, and Inflation – Part 2 08.19.2022 | Jennifer Connell

As the US economy grapples with inflation levels not seen since 1982, mobility professionals are thinking a little harder about how to contain program costs while maintaining a positive employee experience.

relocation podcast

Podcast: Relocation and the Surging U.S. Real Estate Market 05.13.2021 | Laura Levenson

Since the pandemic began, the US real estate market has been in overdrive, breaking its own records month after month. In this episode we'll examine what this means for relocating employees -- whether they're moving across the US or globally -- and for the companies that move them.

relocation covid UK

COVID’s Continuing Impact on UK Talent Mobility 01.8.2021 | Jennifer Connell

As the perfect storm of COVID, Brexit and global travel/shipping restrictions continues to challenge talent mobility in the UK, the need for ongoing communication, agile service delivery and alternative approaches increases.

How Will The UK Tenant Fees Act Impact Mobile Employees? 05.20.2019 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

A new Tenant Fees Act is coming into effect 1 June 2019 in England. This Act is also due to take effect in Wales in the autumn of 2019, as it has now passed through the Welsh Assembly and awaits Royal Assent.

Innovative Ideas to Create More Inclusive Mobility Programs

Innovative Ideas to Create More Inclusive Mobility Programs 01.9.2019 | Laura Levenson

Companies who can commit to being flexible and innovative in their approaches to talent management, and who truly recognize the value of a diverse workforce, are positioning themselves for a stronger growth trajectory by developing a more engaged, and cohesive employee environment.

Weichert Dubai

Global Alert: Changes to Dubai Lease Practices 01.5.2018 | Laura Levenson

The Dubai Land Department (DLD) launched the unified lease contract for rental properties in Dubai in March this year to create a transparent and professional real estate market with measurable standards.


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