
Webinar: Moving Millennials, the Future of Your Workforce 04.20.2015 | Tim McCarney

Weichert Millenials Parks and Recreation

In 2020, millennials–those born between 1980 and 2000–will represent 50% of the workforce. In 2025, they’ll represent a staggering 75%.

So it’s not surprising that our most recent educational webinar, Moving Millennials: Best Practices for Deploying Your Company’s Future Leaders, proved a popular session, attracting approximately 160 corporate workforce mobility professionals.

Underscoring the importance of this topic, attendees had a number of questions for our presenters at the conclusion of the program, and we received a record number of requests for the program slide deck. For those who may have missed it, you can access a recording of the webinar here.

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Written by Tim McCarney

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Tim is Weichert’s Vice President of Marketing, responsible for keeping our brand strong and crafting our brand’s story. Outside of the office, he can often be found worrying about the Boston Red Sox.

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