
We Believe In Each Other 04.27.2021 | Chris Brunone, MBA

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One of our most important Company Beliefs is our Belief in Each Other, which reminds us that the things that make us different are every bit as vital to our success as the things we have in common. It also reflects our culture of inclusion and belonging.

It’s a Belief that resonates louder in these challenging times, as our nation struggles with issues arising from years of inequality, and it will continue to guide our interactions with peers, clients, customers, partners and the global communities we serve. It will help us promote empathy and respect, and ensure equity at every touchpoint in our organization, anywhere in the world.

Although as a society we still have much work to do, we remain hopeful that long-held concerns about social and racial injustice will spark meaningful conversation and drive necessary change.

Until then, we remain committed to creating a better and more equal future, where everyone has the chance to thrive, regardless of race, color, culture, gender, orientation, disability, age, or any other uniqueness.

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Written by Chris Brunone, MBA

Chris Brunone

Chris is Executive Vice President, Talent Development & Colleague Engagement at Weichert, managing companywide training initiatives and overseeing our talent onboarding and engagement efforts. He has 35 years of experience in talent development and leadership training to his role, having honed his craft working at The Ken Blanchard Companies and BlessingWhite. He is the architect of our Legendary Service initiative, which has grown from a customer service training program to part of our corporate DNA, and as our industry grows more complex, he continues to equip our leaders to more competently and confidently lead others to higher levels of performance.

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