
The Rise of Global Domestic Mobility – Part II 09.26.2023 | Laura Levenson

Wherever you are in the world, I bet you’d agree that cultural variances exist within and across every country. Whether we speak of the Netherlands – a country smaller in landmass than the state of West Virginia —  or India – a country with 28 states and over 120 spoken languages — cultures vary vastly as you move from North to South and East to West, from the food to the climate, the dress and the customs. As mobility professionals, we know that moving talent domestically can result in as much culture shock as a relocation halfway around the world, and companies today are much more in tune with the need to provide adequate support, even for in-country moves.

Over the last eight years, domestic move volume has steadily climbed, spurring our first research study into Global Domestic Mobility trends. Looking back to 2015, attracting the right talent to the right place at the right time was the mantra of HR leaders across all industries and locations. Companies recognized the high cost of achieving business growth through the international deployment of an ever-increasing volume of talent. However, the cost of recruiting international talent for temporary assignments became an unsustainable solution to a long-term need. This led more companies to look inward, developing local talent to serve local markets and fuel local economies.

Some of these companies applied the same domestic policy for all countries they operated, with management coming from a global level. But this meant that the needs of some domestic populations went unmet. Other companies left the management of domestic moves up to each local entity, allowing them to cater their policies and programs to meet their domestic population best. This approach won the favor of local entities, but it also led to perceptions of inequity and inconsistency on a global scale.

Now, eight years since our first survey, what are today’s leading companies doing to balance consistency and employee needs regarding Global Domestic Mobility? Are clear best practices emerging to overcome the everyday challenges of intra-country relocation? Are companies successfully shifting their talent recruitment focus from global to local? You’ve got questions; we can’t wait to share what we’ve uncovered!

Here’s a sneak peek into a few of the highlights from our latest 2023 Global Domestic Mobility Report:

Stay tuned for the upcoming release of the full 2023 Global Domestic Mobility Report! Until then, if you have more questions, reach out – I’d love to chat!

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Written by Laura Levenson


Laura Levenson is a Practice Leader in Weichert Workforce Mobility’s Advisory Services group. She has worked in management capacities for workforce mobility and Big Four firms, and is well-versed in bringing clarity to the most pressing global talent deployment challenges. She brings over 25 years of experience to her role and is a frequent speaker on the mobility conference circuit.

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