
Missing Human Connection? Tips and Tricks to Connect Virtually 03.26.2020 | Morgan E. Wiedmann

In two of our blog posts last week, we explored how to tackle having your children home and shared some tips and tricks on working remotely; now we explore one of the biggest challenges of social isolation – the lack of human connection.

Even in our digital world with technology advancements driving the fourth industrial revolution and social skills seeming to be in decline with everyone glued to their smartphones, we are now experiencing first hand just how much we are still social human beings as we begin to feel the impact of the lack of social interactions.

Our fast-paced society was custom to being on-the-go constantly, hopping on a plane for business or pleasure, running around to get things done, all the while constantly stating that there just wasn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Now, as a society, we are trying to wrap our heads around what we see in the media, while juggling our temporary virtual reality.

Disney World is empty, Times Square is empty, great monuments around the world that are usually packed are now looking like ghost towns.

In our digital world today, we are lucky to have the technology to still be connected to one another on videos and social media, but we still are a very social society where we enjoy human interaction and connections.

So how can we still feel “connected” to one another during a time when we are social distancing to keep everyone safe?

We are seeing people in Europe singing from their balconies, children writing messages to one another on their driveways and communities adding Christmas lights up again to spread cheer.

Here’s some tips and tricks that I have been seeing trending in our temporary virtual world and how video platforms like FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting and other video platforms are keeping people connected.

  • Don’t cancel in-person meetings, events or conferences – go digital!
  • Go to the movies virtually with Netflix Party,
  • Go to that workout class with online trainers hosting classes – Peloton is offering a free 90-day app that contains workouts not just for their bikes – Instagram has personal trainers sharing their live workouts to make you feel like you’re in that workout “class” style,
  • Virtual reading parties to keep kids reading – Skype family members or have a virtual playdate reading one another stories,
  • Pick up the phone and have a call with someone you may have not had time to connect with in a while – I did this the other day and had a great call that lasted almost two hours, great way to catch up and keep busy,
  • Snail mail is still going – write a letter to a family member even if they live close by to feel that connection and during a time when people don’t want to see bills more than ever, this will be something people will look forward to opening,
  • Join a social movement – whether heading to your balcony daily to thank health care workers, or decorating your windows or yard for people out for a walk, there are many ways for you and your family to feel like you are part of something bigger,
  • Take a walk – get some fresh air, stay active and you’ll see others doing the same (just remember to keep that six feet distance).

Laura Levenson, Global Practice Leader, is used to working remote, unless she is traveling for business.  She shares her advice on how to beat the lonely blues during this time.

For me, it's what you'd expect: 15 minutes of meditation in the a.m. - preferably at the same time every day (usually 8:45 am between my a.m. cups of coffee) and in nice weather, I take a walk every afternoon at about 5 to 5:30. Come back and work again till 6-6:30. evening yoga at 7 and dinner at 8:30! If I can stick to most of that almost every day, I feel pretty good.
Laura Levenson Global Practice Leader

When you think about the small things that we have taken for granted until now – like shaking someone’s hand when you first meet them, walking around a busy airport, opening a door to a client’s office, running to the store to grab something you forgot, or meeting a friend – you realize just how much our social world has shrunk.

The good news is that we are all in this together: by staying healthy, active, and virtually connected with our family, friends, colleagues, and the bigger world, will help us all during this challenging, and isolating, time.

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Written by Morgan E. Wiedmann


Morgan Wiedmann is the Content Specialist in Weichert’s Marketing group. Leveraging over six years of experience in writing and marketing, she develops content for the company’s website and social media channels as well as for client and colleague communications. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Journalism from Suffolk University in Boston. Morgan serves as an active member of Worldwide ERC’s YP40 committee and has been named a Marketing Champion by Salesforce.

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