
Celebrating Chinese New Year with a Bit of Feng Shui 02.1.2022 | Laura Levenson

Feng Shui

I recently co-hosted a webinar to share the results of our Global Domestic Mobility survey with corporate mangers in the Asia Pacific region. The session brought back the memory of when I moved into an apartment in Shanghai with my Chinese husband many years ago.

Although I wasn’t aware at the time, such an auspicious life event or “start of something new” is the sort of occasion that calls for a consultation with an expert in Feng Shui — the ancient Chinese method of creating a harmonious environment.

As fortune would have it, our neighbor, Mr. Chen, was, in fact, a Feng Shui expert, and he was kind enough to share his wisdom and insight with me. With Chinese New Year upon us, it seemed an appropriate time to share the gift of his knowledge with our readers.

In China and many other Asian countries, following the principles of Feng Shui is extremely important to bring prosperity and good fortune. In my example, if you’re looking to create true wellness in your new home, it begins with picking an auspicious date on the calendar to make the move. While the rules around selecting that date can be complex, the most important thing is making sure the date doesn’t clash with your family’s zodiac sign. Once I relayed the astrological information to Mr. Chen, he was able to check his charts and a Feng Shui energy map (see below) and relay some good and practical advice.

I learned a lot from Mr. Chen, and while some of his ideas may seem a bit humorous, I have relied on them every time I’ve moved.

Buy a gift for your new house. This should be the first item to enter the space; something new to express your love and respect for the home.

Clear the new space: A new home carries the energy of its former owner, so it’s essential to do a thorough cleaning before moving in. Palo Santo or white Sage can be burned to remove bad energy in the home. Junk and broken items also bring bad luck.

Use only the front door for coming and going: According to Feng Shui, the entry door decides how energy flows into the home.

Put plants in the kitchen: If you have plants, consider putting them above kitchen cabinets or, if not in the kitchen, in a high space to keep dirt and dust from spreading negative energy.

Position beds carefully: Be sure to place all important furniture in a “commanding” position, so the bed must always face the door while you are lying in it, not in line with the door. The best place for the bed is diagonal from the door.

And lastly, my favorite: Always cover the bedroom TV when it’s not in use. TVs can disturb sleep and, according to experts, energy continues to come out of a TV even when it’s turned off. So if you have a recurring nightmare of being trapped on the set of “Chopped” in your jammies, try tossing that spare blanket over the tube before you turn in for the night.

feng shui

If there are any Feng Shui practices that you follow, please share them in the comments. And please reach out to me or your Weichert representative if you’d like to receive a copy of the results of our Global Domestic Mobility survey.

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Written by Laura Levenson


Laura Levenson is a Practice Leader in Weichert Workforce Mobility’s Advisory Services group. She has worked in management capacities for workforce mobility and Big Four firms, and is well-versed in bringing clarity to the most pressing global talent deployment challenges. She brings over 25 years of experience to her role and is a frequent speaker on the mobility conference circuit.

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